joni organic bamboo period pad line of products

Is Bamboo Period Care Really Better?

Publié par Team joni le

When it comes to menstrual care, we’re all looking for products that are comfortable, healthy and work! But traditionally, when it comes to making sustainable choices, it has come with a trade off. We asked, why does eco-friendly period care have to be inconvenient, uncomfortable, and not work as well? Our organic period pads are our answer to quality disposable period care that’s comfortable and works! Our not-so-secret ingredient is bamboo.

Yet not everyone agrees that bamboo is better. We couldn’t be happier! While that may sound contradictory, let us explain as we dive into the facts and see why we should be questioning bamboo period care and when is it really better.


Superior Comfort and Feel

One of the standout features of bamboo menstrual pads is their incredible softness. Imagine the luxurious feel of silk, but even better—because bamboo is plant-based (and humane) and more versatile. Bamboo fabric is incredibly smooth and gentle against the skin, which can make a huge difference during your period when you need all the comfort you can get.

Many users tell us that bamboo pads are much more comfortable than traditional cotton or synthetic options. The natural fibers allow for better breathability, which means less irritation and discomfort. If you’ve ever experienced rashes or general discomfort from non-breathable materials, switching to bamboo could be a game-changer.

Close up of an organic bamboo period pad in hands


Health Benefits: Fact vs. Fiction

There’s a lot of buzz around the health benefits of bamboo menstrual products, and it’s important to separate fact from fiction. While it’s trendy to link sustainable products with health benefits, the real advantage of bamboo pads lies in their design and material properties.

Bamboo retains its antimicrobial properties even after processing, which helps prevent bacterial growth. This is crucial because prolonged exposure to bacteria can lead to health issues like UTIs and rashes. Bamboo’s natural breathability also prevents heat buildup, reducing the risk of bacterial growth and keeping you feeling fresh.

It's also worth noting that while the materials used in pads are important, the overall design and usage habits play significant roles in maintaining menstrual health. Research shows that it’s more about changing pads regularly and maintaining good health practices to avoid health issues .

Environmental Impact

Bamboo stands out as an exceptional sustainable material due to its rapid growth rate and efficient land use. Unlike cotton, which requires intensive cultivation and significant water resources, bamboo is much more eco-friendly. It takes about 10,000 liters of water to produce one kilogram of cotton, while only 2,500 liters are needed for the same amount of bamboo fabric.

Additionally, bamboo grows vertically, allowing for denser farming and reducing land degradation and soil erosion. By choosing bamboo pads, you’re not only taking care of yourself but also making a positive impact on the environment.


Practical Advantages

Beyond comfort and health, bamboo pads offer practical benefits that make your period care routine easier and more efficient. Bamboo’s natural absorbency means these pads can require fewer non-biodegradable Super Absorbent Polymers (SAPs), which are commonly used in traditional pads. This not only makes the pads more eco-friendly but also enhances their overall absorbency, keeping you dry and comfortable.

Because bamboo pads are breathable, they prevent heat buildup, which is often a culprit behind discomfort and irritation. With bamboo pads, you’re less likely to experience the stickiness and discomfort that can come with other materials.


Why Bamboo Isn’t Always Better 

Did you know that when bamboo is processed into textile form it is then called rayon? This transformation process has gotten a lot of heat the last few years for good reason.

Remember when we said in our intro that not everyone agrees that bamboo is better and how we couldn’t be happier? Yup, that wasn’t a typo. It benefits everyone when ‘sustainable’ practices are questioned and greenwashing is called into question. 

Radical transparency is one of our core values, and we welcome open discussions about any concerns regarding the production of bamboo materials. The reason why rayon has a bad wrap is because of the use of chemicals in production. However, not all bamboo is produced equally. 

At joni, we do use chemicals in our production process, but these chemicals, such as sodium hydroxide and carbon disulfide, are used within a closed-loop manufacturing system. This means that chemicals used for production are not discarded into the environment but are instead continuously reused, minimizing environmental impact. 

In the transformation of bamboo into a soft, absorbent fabric suitable for menstrual products, these processes are necessary. And while chemicals are used in production, the final product is free from toxic chemicals. Our products are OEKO-TEX 100 certified, guaranteeing that our pads and tampons are safe and non-toxic—and superior in quality


Understanding the Therapeutic Window: Ensuring Safety in Everyday Chemicals

Everything around us is made up of chemicals, from the air we breathe to the food we eat. Each of these chemicals has a therapeutic window—a range within which they can be safely consumed or used without causing harm.


This window represents the dosage range between the minimum effective dose and the minimum toxic dose. When substances are used within this range, they contribute to our well-being. However, exceeding this range can lead to negative health effects. Even food, if consumed above a certain level, can be harmful to the body.


It's a common misconception to label products as "chemical-free." In reality, even natural materials like bamboo, cornstarch, and cotton are made up of chemicals. The key to safety lies not in avoiding chemicals altogether but in managing their concentrations to stay within safe limits.


Consider the OEKO-TEX Standard 100, for instance. This certification evaluates textiles and assesses a comprehensive list of 100 potentially harmful chemicals, meticulously measuring their concentrations to ensure none exceed safe levels.


For us at joni, it's crucial to ensure our products are safe for human use by keeping the levels of naturally present chemicals below the minimum effective dose. This precaution helps prevent any interaction with the body, ensuring complete safety.


So, is Bamboo Period Care Better?

Let’s compare the facts:


Joni Bamboo Pads

Conventional Period Pads



Typically synthetic materials (plastic) or cotton

Environmental Impact

Sustainable; uses less water and land, closed-loop chemical process

High water and land usage for cotton, non-biodegradable plastics

Water Usage

2,500 liters per kilogram of bamboo fabric

10,000 liters per kilogram of cotton

Chemical Use in Production

Uses sodium hydroxide and carbon disulfide in a closed-loop system

Often involves chemicals in non-closed systems

Toxin-Free Certification

OEKO-TEX 100 certified

Often not certified, potential presence of harmful chemicals


Highly breathable, reduces risk of rashes and bacterial growth

Less breathable, higher risk of irritation and infections


Soft, smooth, and luxurious feel

Varies; often less soft, can cause discomfort

Antimicrobial Properties

Retains antimicrobial properties after processing

Typically lacks natural antimicrobial properties


Highly absorbent, requires fewer Super Absorbent Polymers (SAPs)

Depends on synthetic SAPs for absorbency


Practices radical transparency, open to discussions about production

Limited transparency about materials and production processes

Health Impact

Free from toxins and harmful chemicals

Potential exposure to toxins and irritants

Bamboo pads offer significant advantages, from superior comfort and breathability to sustainable and practical benefits. So, to answer the question, yes, joni’s organic bamboo period pads really are better! 
